Mrs. Provenzano's First Grade Class

Dear Parents,


We’re ready for a great year! It is my pleasure to have your child in my first grade class.  I am very excited to be working with you to help give your child a great education.


First grade is an important year in your child’s education. Rustic Lane School is dedicated to the education of children and it holds high expectations for all of its students.  Together, we are going to assist your child in achieving success in school, and build the blocks for success in life. Your child will be learning to distinguish sounds in words, to respond to literature, to read high frequency words and many interesting stories.  We will be neatly writing complete sentences using descriptive words. We will also be writing paragraphs with a topic sentence, supporting details and a conclusion. In math, we will be learning number sense with numbers up to 120, addition and subtraction of two digit numbers, and to tell time. Through it all, students will also be developing critical thinking skills, and social skills such as respect, responsibility, and good manners.


As parents, you are the most important people in your child’s life, and also your child’s first teachers.  Spending quality time is crucial in your child’s development.  You should be reading with your child every day and being their role models.


If you would like to talk to me about anything, please call Rustic Lane School (951) 222-7837, or write a note and send it with your child.  You may also send an e-mail

I am available to meet before and after school every day.


Thank you,

 Debbie Provenzano